Chicago Seminar Sept. 2011
Warrior is an ordinary man who lives in permanent state of mindfulness.Murat Kaplan
Quit living on assumptions and you will become happier. Murat Kaplan
Suspicious mind conjures its own demons.Anonymous
Stop living on assumptions and be much happier and more peaceful.Murat Kaplan
Martial arts do not tolerate weakness in any kind. You should train hard to cultivate a strong heart, a strong mind and a powerful body.Anonymous
The more brute force a Wing-Chun practitioner uses, the more unrefined the art within.Murat Kaplan
Martial Arts are not for violence or correcting others; they are for peace and correcting your own mind and soul.Martial Arts Saying
If you give a damage to your partner during a combat training, it is not your skill; it is your great weakness.Anonymous
Learning the techniques without developing the skills will never bring any accomplishment.Wing Chun saying
Persistent attacks will surely gain you entry. Staying on the defensive too long will surely get you into trouble. Wing-Chun saying
Pass on the tradition. Preserve the Chinese art and rules of conduct.From `Wing-Chun Rules of Conduct`
Destroying the opponent`s center line will control his bridge. Wing Chun saying
To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness and kindness.Confucius
Develop a good foundation for advanced techniques." From `Wing-Chun Kuen Kuit`

Basic Terminology


Basic Wing-Chun Terms 

Ranking Terms

• Sijo - Founder of System

• Sigung - Your Instructor's Instructor (Uncle)

• Sibak - Senior Instructor

• Sibak - Instructor's Senior (Uncle)

• Sifu - Your Instructor/Teacher

• Sisook - Assistant Instructor (Uncle)

• Sihing - Senior Student (Older Brother)

• Sidai - Junior Student (Younger Brother)

• Toe Dai - Student

• Toe Suen - Student's Student

• Simu - Female Instructor

• Sigoo Mui - Female Assistant Instructor

• Sije - Female Senior Student

• Simui - Female Junior Student


Technique Terms

• Chung Chuie - Vertical Fist

• Biu Jee - Finger Jab

• Qua Chuie -  Backfist

• O'ou Chuie - Hooking Fist

• Choap Chuie - Knuckle Fist

• Jik Chung - Straight Blast

• Jik Tek - Front Kick

• Juk Tek - Side Kick

• O'ou Tek - Hook Kick

• Hou Tek - Back Kick

• Juen Tek - Spin  Kick

• So Tek - Sweep Kick

• Dum Tek - Stomp Kick

• Qua Tek - Inverted Hook Kick

• Jeet Tek - Foot Obstruction, Stop Kick

• Jeet Da - Stop Hit, Intercepting Hit

• Sut Da - Knee Strike

• Jang Da - Elbow Strike


Defensive Movement Terms

•  Tan Sao - Palm Up Hand

• Pak Sao - Slapping Hand

• Wu Sao - Protecting Hand

• Man Sao - Inquisitive Hand

• Gang Sao - Lower Outer Wrist Block

• Bong Sao - Raised Elbow Deflection

• Fook Sao - Bent Arm Elbow In Parry

• Kwun Sao - Rotating Arm Parry

• Guan Sao - Splitting Parry

Trapping Hand Terms

• Lop Sao - Grappling Hand

• Lin Lop Sao - Cross Grappling Hand

• Jut Sao - Jerking Hand

• Pak Sao - Slapping Hand

• Gum Sao - Pinning Hand

• Jao Sao - Running Hand

• Huen Sao - Circling Hand

• Man Geung Sao - Neck Pulling Hand

• Lan Sao - Bar Arm


Lin Sil Die Dar Terms

• Tan Da - Palm Up Cover Hit

• Woang Pak Da - Cross Slap Cover Hit

• Loy Ha Pak Da - Low Inside Slap Cover

• Ouy Ha Pak Da - Low Outside Slap Cover Hit


General Terms

• Gin Lie - Salute

• Yu Bey - Ready

• Hay, Hey - Begin

• Bia Jong - On Guard

• Sao Fot - Hand Techniques

• Tek Fot - Foot Techniques

• Chi Sao - Sticking Hands

• Dar - To Strike

• Kuen - Fist

• Ha Da - Low Hit

• Jung Da - Middle Hit

• Go Da - High Hit

• Phon Sao - Trapping Hands

• Chi - Flowing Energy

• Mook Jong - Wooden Dummy